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- Chesi C. (2013) Introduction to directionality. Studies in Linguistics. Vol. 6, Special issue on 'directionality of phrase structure building'. ISSN: 2281-3128.
- Bambini V. , M. Ghio , A. Moro , P. Schumacher (2013) Differentiating among pragmatic uses of words through timed sensicality judgments. Frontiers in Psychology 4:938

- Canessa N. , C. Crespi , M. Motterlini , G. Baud-Bovy , G. Chierchia , G. Pantaleo , M. Tettamanti , S. Cappa (2013) The functional and structural neural basis of individual differences in loss aversion. The Journal of Neuroscience

- Cerami C. , A. Dodich , N. Canessa , C. Crespi , S. Iannaccone , M. Corbo , C. Lunetta , M. Consonni , E. Scola , A. Falini , S. Cappa (2013) Emotional empathy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a behavioural and voxel-based morphometry study. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener

- Prodi E. , E. Salsano , E. Catricalà , S. Messina , D. Pareyson , M. Savoiardo (2013) Memory loss: do not forget the mammillary bodies. Neurological Sciences
- Albertini S. , M. Tettamanti , A. Moro (2013) The impossible chaos: When the mind cannot eliminate language structure. Abstract in rivista: GLOW NEWSLETTER, ISSN: 0924-8749
- Moro A. (2012) Parlo dunque sono. 17 istantanee sul linguaggio,. Adelphi, Milano.

- Tettamanti M. , A. Moro (2012) Can syntax appear in a mirror (system)?. Cortex 48, Special issue on language and the motor system, pp. 923-935.
- Moro A. (2012) I confini di Babele. Il cervello e il mistero delle lingue impossibili. Ristampa del testo del 2006 disponibile su Amazon nel formato Kindle

- Chesi C. (2012) Rightward movement from a top-down perspective. in Rightward Movement in a Comparative Perspective, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, Ed. G. Webelhuth, M. Sailer, H. Walker pp.243-280 ISBN: 9789027255839
- Chesi C. (2012) Competence and Computation Toward a Processing Friendly Minimalist Grammar. UNIPRESS, Padova. ISBN: 9788880983071
- Chesi C. (2012) Competenza e performance: una distinzione cognitivamente obsoleta. Sistemi Intelligenti A. XXIV, n. 2:243-260 ISSN: 1120-9550
- Chesi C. , A. Moro (2012) Computational blindness in the brain. ENJOY LINGUISTICS! Papers offered to Luigi Rizzi on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Ed. V. Bianchi e C. Chesi (pp. 62-65) ISBN: 9788890794308
- Bianchi V. , C. Chesi (2012) Subject islands and the Subject Criterion. in ENJOY LINGUISTICS! Papers offered to Luigi Rizzi on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Ed. V. Bianchi e C. Chesi (pp. 25-53) ISBN: 9788890794308
- Bianchi V. , C. Chesi (2012) ENJOY LINGUISTICS! Papers offered to Luigi Rizzi on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Siena: CISCL Press (pp. 351) ISBN: 9788890794308
- Bianchi V. , C. Chesi (2012) Extraction from subjects (under reconstruction). IGG38, 23-24 Febbraio 2012 Verona (pp. 8-9)
- Chesi C. (2012) On directionality of phrase structure building. CUNY 12 Twenty-Fifth Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Marzo 2012, New York (pp. 156-157)
- Di Francesco M. , G. Piredda (2012) La mente estesa. Mondadori Università, Milano
- Di Francesco M. , G. Piredda (2012) Mente estesa. Un bilancio critico. Sistemi Intelligenti, Target paper: La mente estesa, a cura di Massimo Marraffa e Remo Pareschi XXIV, n. 1, 2012, pp. 11-31
- Canessa N. , F. Alemanno , F. Riva , A. Zani , A. Proverbio , N. Mannara , D. Perani , S. Cappa (2012) The neural bases of social intention understanding: the role of interaction goals. PLoS One

- Crespi C. , G. Pantaleo , S. Cappa , N. Canessa (2012) Private and social counterfactual emotions. Behavioural and neural effects. In Neuroscience and the Economics of Decision Making. London and New York:Routledge
- Marconi D. , R. Manenti , E. Catricalà , P. Della Rosa , S. Siri , S. Cappa (2012) The neural substrates of inferential and referential semantic processing. Cortex
- Catricalà E. , P. Della Rosa , V. Ginex , Z. Mussetti , V. Plebani , S. Cappa (2012) An Italian battery for the assessment of semantic memory disorders.. Neurological Sciences
- Piredda G. , E. Gola (2012) La mente e gli artefatti tecnologici: un caso di studio. “Reti”
- Moro A. (2011c) A closer look at the Turtle's eyes. PNAS, 108(6):2177- 2178.

- Moro A. (2011b) 'Kataptation' or the QWERTY-effect in language evolution. Frontiers in Psychology, 2:50. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00050

- Moro A. (2011a) Clause structure folding and the wh-in situ effect. Linguistic Inquiry, Volume 42, Number 3, Summer 2011, pp. 389-412.

- Belletti A. , C. Chesi (2011) Relative clauses from the input: syntactic considerations on a corpus-based analysis of Italian. STiL - Studies in Linguistics. 4:5-24 ISSN: 2281-3128
- Belletti A. , C. Chesi (2011) Kinds of relative clauses in Italian corpora. IGG 37, Rome, IT, 24-26/02/2011 (pp. 9-10)
- Canessa N. , C. Castronovo , S. Cappa , M. Aloia , S. Marelli , A. Falini , F. Alemanno , L. Ferini-Strambi (2011) Obstructive sleep apnea: brain structural changes and neurocognitive function before and after treatment. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

- Canessa N. , M. Motterlini , F. Alemanno , D. Perani , S. Cappa (2011) Learning from other people's experience: a neuroimaging study of decisional interactive-learning. Neuroimage

- Di Dio C. , N. Canessa , S. Cappa , G. Rizzolatti (2011) Specificity of esthetic experience for artworks: an FMRI study. PLoS One

- Proverbio A. , F. Riva , L. Paganelli , S. Cappa , N. Canessa , D. Perani , A. Zani (2011) Neural coding of cooperative vs. affective human interactions: 150 ms to code the action's purpose. PLoS One

- Canessa N. , G. Pantaleo , S. Cappa , C. Scaffidi Abbate (2011) Le basi (neuro) biologiche dei processi cognitivi ed affettivi sottostanti il comportamento prosociale. In Altruismo e comportamento prosociale. Temi e prospettive a confronto. Milano: FrancoAngeli
- Catricalà E. , P. Della Rosa , P. Ortelli , V. Ginex , A. Marcone , D. Perani , S. Cappa (2011) The evolution of alexia in two cases of posterior cortical atrophy. Behavioural neurology
- Frasson P. , R. Ghiretti , E. Catricalà , S. Pomati , A. Marcone , L. Parisi , P. Rossini , S. Cappa , C. Mariani , N. Vanacore , F. Clerici (2011) Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test: an Italian normative study. Neurological Sciences
- Piredda G. , M. Di Francesco (2011) La mente estesa. Manuale di scienze cognitive, a cura di M. Marraffa e A. Paternoster, Carocci
- Bianchi V. , C. Chesi (2010) Reversing the perspective on Quantifier Raising. Rivista di Grammatica Generativa. 35:5-35
- Lazzari M. , A. Bianchi , M. Cadei , C. Chesi , S. Maffei (2010) Informatica umanistica. McGraw-Hill, Padova, IT, ISBN: 978-88-383-6557-8
- Chesi C. (2010) Lo studio della lingua e la linguistica computazionale. in Lazzari, Bianchi, Cadei, Chesi, Maffei (2010) Informatica Umanistica. McGraw Hill

- Vespignani F. , P. Canal , N. Molinaro , S. Fonda , C. Cacciari (2010) Predictive mechanisms in idiom comprehension. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22 (8), 1682-1700
- Canal P. , F. Vespignani , N. Molinaro , C. Cacciari (2010) Anticipatory mechanisms in idiom comprehension. Psycholinguistic and electrophysiological evidence. In Balconi, M., Neuropsychology of communication, Springer, Milan.
- Della Rosa P. , E. Catricalà , G. Vigliocco , S. Cappa (2010) Beyond the abstract-concrete dichotomy: mode of acquisition, concreteness, imageability, familiarity, age of acquisition, context availability, and abstractness norms for a set of 417 Italian words. Behavior Research Methods
- Piredda G. (2010) “The whys and hows of extended mind”. New Essays in Logic and Philosophy of Science, College Publications, London
- Moro A. (2009) Rethinking Symmetry: A Note on Labelling and the EPP. Snippets, Issue 19; also published in P. Cotticelli Kurras e A. Tomaselli (eds.), La grammatica tra storia e teoria. Scritti in onore di Giorgio Graffi, Edizioni dell'Orso, Alessandria, pp. 129-31.

- Chesi C. , C. Geraci (2009) Segni al Computer: manuale di documentazione della Lingua Italiana dei Segni e alcune applicazioni computazionali. Edizioni Cantagalli, Siena, IT, ISBN: 978-88-827-2523-5
- Chesi C. (2009) Getting (un)expected asymmetries in parsing head-final languages. CLIN XIX - Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Groningen, NL, 22-24/1/2009 (pp. 128-130)
- Canessa N. , M. Motterlini , C. Di Dio , D. Perani , P. Scifo , S. Cappa , G. Rizzolatti (2009) Understanding others' regret: a FMRI study. PLoS One

- Castronovo C. , N. Canessa , L. Ferini-Strambi , M. Aloia , M. Consonni , S. Marelli , A. Iadanza , A. Bruschi , A. Falini , S. Cappa (2009) Brain activation changes before and after PAP treatment in obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep

- Marques J. , N. Canessa , S. Cappa (2009) Neural differences in the processing of true and false sentences: insights into the nature of 'truth' in language comprehension. Cortex

- Papagno C. , A. Fogliata , E. Catricalà , C. Miniussi (2009) The lexical processing of abstract and concrete nouns. Brain research
- Piredda G. (2009) “Pragmatica, teoria della mente e pertinenza”. in Gambarara D. (a cura di), Origine e sviluppo del linguaggio, fra teoria e storia, Aracne Editrice
- Tettamanti M. , R. Manenti , P. Della Rosa , A. Falini , D. Perani , S. Cappa , A. Moro (2008b) Negation in the brain: modulating action representations. Neuroimage, Nov 1;43(2):358-67.
- Tettamanti M. , I. Rotondi , D. Perani , G. Scotti , F. Fazio , S. Cappa , A. Moro (2008a) Syntax without language: neurobiological evidence for cross-domain syntactic computations. Cortex, Jul-Aug;45(7):825-38.
- Moro A. (2008) The Boundaries of Babel. The Brain and the Enigma of Impossible Languages. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

- Chesi C. , G. Lebani , M. Pallottino (2008) A Bilingual Treebank (ITA-LIS) suitable for Machine Translation: what Cartography and Minimalism teach us. STiL - Studies in Linguistics. 2:82-101 ISSN: 2281-3128
- Bianchi V. , C. Chesi (2008) Phases, Strong Islands and Computational Nesting. Studies in Linguistics. 2:166-186 ISSN: 2281-3128
- Molinaro N. , F. Vespignani , P. Canal , S. Fonda , C. Cacciari (2008) Cloze- probability does not only affect N400 amplitude: The case of complex prepositions. Psychophysiology, 45, 1008-1012
- Cacciari C. , F. Vespignani , N. Molinaro , P. Canal , S. Fonda (2008) What electrophysiology reveals about the comprehension of multiword expressions: from syntax to semantics. In L. Arcuri, P. Boscolo & F., Peressotti (Eds.). Cognition and language: a long story. Festschrift in honour of Ino Flores d'Arcais. CLEUP, Padova
- Canessa N. , F. Borgo , S. Cappa , D. Perani , A. Falini , G. Buccino , M. Tettamanti , T. Shallice (2008) The different neural correlates of action and functional knowledge in semantic memory: an FMRI study. Cerebral Cortex

- Marques J. , N. Canessa , S. Siri , E. Catricalà , S. Cappa (2008) Conceptual knowledge in the brain: fMRI evidence for a featural organization. Brain Research

- Cappa S. , N. Canessa (2008) The social brain: a new frontier for neuroscience. Encyclopaideia
- Abutalebi J. , S. Brambati , J. Annoni , A. Moro , S. Cappa , D. Perani (2007) Auditory perception of language switches: controlled versus automatic processing as revealed by event-related fMRI. Journal of Neuroscience. vol. 27(50):13762-13769.
- Chesi C. (2007) Top-down processing of non-local dependencies in language and vision. Convegno Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive (pp. 18-22)
- Chesi C. (2007) Five reasons for building phrase structures top-down from left to right. Nanzan Linguistics. 3:45-80
- Chesi C. (2007) An introduction to Phase-based Minimalist Grammars: why move is Top-Down from Left-to-Right. STiL - Studies in Linguistics. 1:49-90 ISSN: 2281-3128
- Chesi C. (2006) Il linguaggio verbale non-standard dei bambini sordi. Edizioni Universitarie Romane, Roma ISBN: 8860220262
- Belletti A. , E. Bennati , C. Chesi , E. Di Domenico , I. Ferrari (2006) Language Acquisition and Development: Proceedings of GALA2005. Cambridge Scholar Press, Newcastle, UK ISBN: 1847180280
- Chesi C. (2006) Alcune osservazioni sulle produzioni verbali non-standard dei bambini sordi: il sintagma verbale. L’educazione dei sordi, Vol. IX-CVII, 3:139-155
- Chesi C. (2006) Alcune osservazioni sulle produzioni verbali non-standard dei bambini sordi: il sintagma nominale. L’educazione dei sordi, Vol.IX-CVII, 2:93-110
- Chesi C. (2006) La formalizzazione di un evento. Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università di Siena, n. 27 (pp.253-274) ISSN: 0392-9345 ISBN: 979-88-7923-368-2
- Piredda G. (2006) “Individualismo modularista versus anti-individualismo dinamicista”. L’architettura della mente. Saggi sulla teoria della modularità, a cura di Francesco Ferretti e Massimo Marraffa, Abramo Editore
- Bianchi V. , C. Chesi (2005) Phases, strong islands, and computational nesting. GLOW Newsletter n.54, Spring 2005 (pp.24-25) ISSN: 0924-8749
- Bianchi V. , C. Chesi (2005) Phases, left-branch islands, and computational nesting. Upenn Working Papers in Linguistics 12.1 : Proceedings of the 29th Penn Linguistic Colloquium (pp. 15 - 28)
- Canessa N. , A. Gorini , S. Cappa , M. Piattelli-Palmarini , M. Danna , F. Fazio , D. Perani (2005) The effect of social content on deductive reasoning: an fMRI study. Human Brain Mapping

- Chesi C. (2004) Phases and Complexity in Phrase Structure Building. Selected Papers of the 15th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (pp. 59-75)
- Moro A. (2004) Linear compression as a trigger for movement. Riemsdijk, H. van - Breitbarth, A (eds) Triggers, pp. 387-429, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.

- Musso M. , A. Moro , V. Glauche , M. Rijntjes , C. Büchel , C. Weiller (2003b) Broca's area and the language instinct. Nature neuroscience. 6:774-781
- Moro A. (2003a) Notes on Vocative case: a case study in clause structure. in Josep Quer, Jan Schroten, Petra Sleeman & Els Verheugd (eds.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2001, pp. 251-264, Amsterdam/Phildelphia: John Benjamins.

- Marraffa M. , G. Piredda (2003) “La cognizione incorporata e situata”. “Nuove Tendenze della Psicologia”
- Tettamanti M. , H. Alkadhi , A. Moro , D. Perani , S. Kollias , D. Weniger (2002) Neural correlates for the acquisition of natural language syntax. NeuroImage, 17:700-709.
- Moro A. (2000) Dynamic Antisymmetry. Linguistic Inquiry Monograph, Series, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

- Moro A. (2000) Breve storia del verbo 'essere'. Viaggio al centro della frase. Adelphi, Milano.

- Moro A. , M. Tettamanti , D. Perani , C. Donati , S. Cappa , F. Fazio (2000) Syntax and the brain: disentangling grammar by selective anomalies. NeuroImage, 13, January 2001, Academic Press, Chicago, pagg. 110-118
- Moro A. (1997) The Raising of Predicates. Predicative Noun Phrases and The theory of Clause Structure. Cambridge University Press, England

- Moro A. (1993) Heads as Antecedents: A Brief History of The ECP. Lingua e Stile, 28:31-57.

- Moro A. (1988) Per una teoria unificata delle frasi copulari. Rivista di Grammatica Generativa, 13:81-110.

- Moro A. (1987) Tempo e predicazione nella sintassi delle frasi copulari (tesi di laurea). Università di Pavia