Eleonora Catricalà
Eleonora Catricalà is Associate Professor (M-PSI/02 - Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology) at the Institute of Advanced Studies (IUSS) of Pavia. She graduated in Experimental Psychology at the University of Florence, and obtained her PhD in Experimental Psychology, Linguistics and Cognitive neuroscience at the University of Milano-Bicocca. She has been research fellow at the Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience of San Raffaele Vita Salute University, and visiting research fellow at the Psychology department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Since 2011 to 2014 she worked at Carlo Besta Neurological Institute in Milan, developing an experimental neuropsychology service. She worked as postdoctoral fellow (2014-2016) and then as senior researcher (2016-2020) at IUSS, Pavia. Since 2006, she has teaching positions at the Faculty of Psychology of Vita-Salute San Raffaele University. She is ad-hoc reviewer for several indexed scientific journals. Her main interest is to investigate the organization and the neural correlates of language and semantic memory, through a multidisciplinary approach, including behavioral, neuropsychological, neuroimaging and neurostimulation studies in healthy subjects and neurogenerative diseases (i.e. Alzheimer’s Disease, Primary Progressive Aphasia, and Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration).
Selected publications
  • Catricalà E., F. Conca, A. Fertonani, C. Miniussi, S. Cappa (2020) State-Dependent TMS reveals the differential contribution of ATL and IPS in the representation of abstract concepts related to social and quantity knowledge. Cortex
  • Picillo M., S. Cuoco, I. Carotenuto, F. Abate, R. Erro, G. Volpe, M. Pellecchia, E. Catricalà, S. Cappa, P. Barone (2019) Clinical use of SAND battery to evaluate language in patients with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Plos One
  • Catricalà E., V. Boschi, S. Cuoco, F. Galiano, M. Picillo, E. Gobbi, A. Miozzo, C. Chesi, V. Esposito, G. Santangelo, M. Pellecchia, V. Borsa, P. Barone, P. Garrard, S. Iannaccone, S. Cappa (2019) The language profile of progressive supranuclear palsy. Cortex
  • Battista P., E. Catricalà, M. Piccinini, M. Copetti, V. Esposito, C. Polito, A. Miozzo, E. Gobbi, S. Cuoco, V. Boschi, M. Picillo, S. Sorbi, P. Barone, S. Iannaccone, P. Garrard, G. Logroscino, S. Cappa (2018) A Screening for Aphasia in NeuroDegeneration for the diagnosis of patients with Primary Progressive Aphasia. Clinical Validity and Psychometric Properties. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders
  • Ursino M., C. Cuppini, S. Cappa, E. Catricalà (2018) A feature-based neurocomputational model of semantic memory. Cognitive Neurodynamics
  • Consonni M., V. Contarino, E. Catricalà, E. Dalla Bella, V. Pensato, C. Gellera, G. Lauria, S. Cappa (2018) Cortical markers of cognitive syndromes in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neuroimage: Clinical
  • Della Rosa P., E. Catricalà, M. Canini, G. Vigliocco, S. Cappa (2018) The left inferior frontal gyrus: A neural crossroads between abstract and concrete knowledge. NeuroImage
  • Battista P., A. Miozzo, M. Piccinini, E. Catricalà, R. Capozzo, R. Tortelli, A. Padovani, S. Cappa, G. Logroscino (2017) Primary progressive aphasia: a review of neuropsychological tests for the assessment of speech and language disorders. Aphasiology
  • Catricalà E., E. Gobbi, P. Battista, A. Miozzo, C. Polito, V. Boschi, V. Esposito, S. Cuoco, P. Barone, S. Sorbi, S. Cappa, P. Garrard (2017) SAND: a Screening for Aphasia in NeuroDegeneration. Development and normative data. Neurological Sciences
  • Boschi V., E. Catricalà, M. Consonni, C. Chesi, A. Moro, S. Cappa (2017) Connected speech in neurodegenerative language disorders: a review. Front. Psychol. 8:269.doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00269
  • Borsa V., P. Della Rosa, E. Catricalà, M. Canini, A. Iadanza, A. Falini, J. Abutalebi, S. Iannaccone (2016) Interference and conflict monitoring in individuals with aMCI: a structural study of the anterior cingulate cortex. Journal of Neuropsychology
  • Cappa S., E. Catricalà, E. Zanin, A. Falini, N. Canessa (2016) The role of feature type and semantic domain in effective connectivity underlying semantic retrieval. Program No. 363.03/LLL48.. Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA
  • Nigri A., E. Catricalà, S. Ferraro, M. Bruzzone, L. D'Incerti, D. Sattin, S. Rossi, S. Franceschetti, G. Marotta, R. Benti, M. Leonardi, S. Cappa (2016) The neural correlates of lexical processing in disorders of consciousness. Brain Imaging and Behavior
  • Canini M., P. Della Rosa, E. Catricalà, K. Strijkers, F. Branzi, A. Costa, J. Abutalebi (2016) Semantic interference and its control: a functional neuroimaging and connectivity study. Human Brain Mapping
  • Consonni M., E. Catricalà, E. Dalla Bella, V. Gessa, G. Lauria, S. Cappa (2016) Beyond the consensus criteria: multiple cognitive profiles in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Cortex
  • Chesi C., E. Catricalà, A. Miozzo, A. Marcone, S. Cappa (2015) il contributo dell’analisi linguistica per la classificazione automatica degli eloqui prodotti da pazienti con afasia progressiva primaria. Studi italiani di linguistica teorica e applicata (SILTA), Numero monografico: Tra linguistica medica e linguistica clinica. Il ruolo del linguista, F. Orletti, F. M. Dovetto & A. Cardinaletti (eds.), XLIV(3):521-531
  • Catricalà E., P. Della Rosa, V. Plebani, D. Perani, P. Garrard, S. Cappa (2015) Semantic feature degradation and naming performance. Evidence from neurodegenerative disorders. Brain & Language
  • Catricalà E., V. Ginex, C. Dominici, S. Cappa (2015) A new comprehensive set of concept feature norms. Special Issue in Honour of J. Frederico Marques, Revista Portuguesa de Psicologia
  • Iaccarino L., C. Crespi, P. Della Rosa, E. Catricalà, L. Guidi, A. Marcone, F. Tagliavini, G. Magnani, S. Cappa, D. Perani (2015) The Semantic Variant of Primary Progressive Aphasia: Clinical and Neuroimaging Evidence in Single Subjects. PLoS One
  • Catricalà E., P. Della Rosa, L. Parisi, A. Zippo, V. Borsa, A. Iadanza, I. Castiglioni, A. Falini, S. Cappa (2015) Functional correlates of preserved naming performance in amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment. Neuropsychologia
  • Chesi C., E. Catricalà, A. Miozzo, A. Marcone, S. Cappa (2014) Improving machine learning approaches to (sub)classification of Primary Progressive Aphasia using fine-grained linguistic features. Proceedings of XLVIII Congresso Internazionale SLI 2014, Udine; 09/2014
  • Canini M., P. Battista, P. Della Rosa, E. Catricalà, C. Salvatore, M. Gilardi, I. Castiglioni (2014) Computerized neuropsychological assessment in aging: testing efficacy and clinical ecology of different interfaces. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
  • Della Rosa P., E. Catricalà, S. De Battisti, D. Vinson, G. Vigliocco, S. Cappa (2014) How to assess abstract conceptual knowledge: construction, standardization and validation of a new battery of semantic memory tests. Functional neurology
  • Catricalà E., P. Della Rosa, V. Plebani, G. Vigliocco, S. Cappa (2014) Abstract and concrete categories? Evidences from neurodegenerative diseases . Neuropsychologia
  • Prodi E., E. Salsano, E. Catricalà, S. Messina, D. Pareyson, M. Savoiardo (2013) Memory loss: do not forget the mammillary bodies. Neurological Sciences
  • Catricalà E., P. Della Rosa, V. Ginex, Z. Mussetti, V. Plebani, S. Cappa (2012) An Italian battery for the assessment of semantic memory disorders.. Neurological Sciences
  • Marconi D., R. Manenti, E. Catricalà, P. Della Rosa, S. Siri, S. Cappa (2012) The neural substrates of inferential and referential semantic processing. Cortex
  • Frasson P., R. Ghiretti, E. Catricalà, S. Pomati, A. Marcone, L. Parisi, P. Rossini, S. Cappa, C. Mariani, N. Vanacore, F. Clerici (2011) Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test: an Italian normative study. Neurological Sciences
  • Catricalà E., P. Della Rosa, P. Ortelli, V. Ginex, A. Marcone, D. Perani, S. Cappa (2011) The evolution of alexia in two cases of posterior cortical atrophy. Behavioural neurology
  • Della Rosa P., E. Catricalà, G. Vigliocco, S. Cappa (2010) Beyond the abstract-concrete dichotomy: mode of acquisition, concreteness, imageability, familiarity, age of acquisition, context availability, and abstractness norms for a set of 417 Italian words. Behavior Research Methods
  • Papagno C., A. Fogliata, E. Catricalà, C. Miniussi (2009) The lexical processing of abstract and concrete nouns. Brain research
  • Marques J., N. Canessa, S. Siri, E. Catricalà, S. Cappa (2008) Conceptual knowledge in the brain: fMRI evidence for a featural organization. Brain Research